These are time deposits that require a $1,000 opening deposit. Higher interest rates and annual percentage yields are available on deposits with longer maturities, and on balances over $10,000, and offer the following interest payment options:
- Compounding Plan: Interest is automatically added to your certificate’s balance at maturity for deposits of less than one year, and annually for deposits of one year or more.
- Auto Deposit Plan: Interest is automatically deposited to another account at ESB Bank. Available monthly on deposits of $10,000 or more, semianually on deposits less than $10,000.
- Check Plan: A check for the interest will be mailed to you monthly for deposits of $10,000 or more, semianually on deposits less than $10,000.
- The option to Convert Certificates to cash or another form of investment at half-term without penalty is also available on terms 2 years and greater. A conversion date notification is available, the charge is $10.00 and will be deducted from the certificates principal balance when the notice is mailed.